Welcome To The Home of Women's Health!
Self-Study CPD Programmes Coming 2025!
Certified Dietary Advisor
Certified Menstrual Health Advisor
Coaching Skills for Women's Health Practitioners
Certified Support Specialist - Reproductive Health
Certified Support Specialist - Menopause Health
Address: Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland
Disclaimer: Any information or content provided by Women's Health Network© (WHN©) website or live or via other mediums such as social media has been designed by WHN© to give you further information regarding women's health and fertility health. The information shared here, and during/on any webinars, masterclasses, lectures, handouts, resources, live Q&A and any other content shared by WHN© is not intended to be used to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder that you, your clients or your contacts may or may not have been diagnosed with by your or their medical doctor or consultant. Likewise, any content shard by WHN© is not intended to replace the medical advice you, your clients or your contacts may be currently receiving, have received or will receive in the future plus any treatments you or they may be undertaking, have undertaken or will undertake in the future. Any content or information discussed or disclosed by WHN© has not considered your, your clients or your contacts personal medical history and any medications/supplements you or they may be taking, have taken or will take in the future. No portion of the content or intellectual property of WHN© can be reproduced or copied. Specific content or intellectual property of WHN© that can be share or copied by members/students of WHC© shall be highlighted to members/students of WHC©.